ALONG THE COAST OF ESSEX COUNTY, The Junior League of Boston, Inc. 1970, ills// Made for the motorist. Tour instructions on page 101 begin, "Return to yourS car..."
CAPE ANN TOURISTS GUIDE, Babson and Saville, Glo. 1936, 121pp. ills. index, bib//Accurate and concise. Still useful. MRS
DOGTOWN GLOUCESTER' DESERTED VILLAGE, Roger W. Babson, 1927, 2Opp. , numbered map of Dogtown cellar holes. And don't miss Babson's closing lecture on economics, with "The Great Terminal Moraine" as its eternal metaphor. MRS
GLOUCESTER BOOK, Frank L. Cox, 1921 and 1932, 80 and 64pp, ills//Both editions were tourist brochures. Cox was a local realtor. RS
GLOUCESTER GUIDE: A RETROSPECTIVE RAMBLE, Joseph E. Garland, Glo. 1973, 137pp. ills. maps//Most up to date and one of the best.
GUIDE TO THE NORTH SHORE, Howard Foster, Marblehead, 1950, 114pp. ills. RS
HAMMOND MUSEUM, A GUIDEBOOK, Naomi Kline, Glo. 1977, 68pp. ills//See also Corinne Witham's "Hammond Museum Guidebook", 1966.
IN AND AROUND CAPE ANN, John S. Webber, Jr. Glo. 1885, 97pp. "...for the wheel-man tourist and summer visitor." Enjoyable.
HARBOR VIEW HOUSE, 13pp. ills//Descriptive circular of East Gloucester hotel.
MASSACHUSETTS, A GUIDE TO ITS PLACES AND PEOPLE, Fee-ral Writer's Project of WPA, 1937//See pp. 253-243. A supposed update, 'New American Guide Series" has published, "Mass. - A Guide to the Pilgrim State" Bos. 1971, 525pp. ills. S
NEW ENGLAND GAZETEER, John Hayward, 1839.
PLEASURE DRIVE AROUND CAPE ANN, Procter Bros. 1896, 100pp. ills//Rides, drives and outings to varidtis points. "...times before the automobile, reflecting the tastes of a more liesurely day." -T.E. Babson.
ROCKPORT ANCHOR, Rockport Board of Trade, annually from 1950//See library card catalogs for holdings.
THROUGH OLD GLOUCESTER, Mary Brooks, Glo. 1923, lOpp. map//Excellent center city walking tour; history at every step.