The Preface of "History of Gloucester"

James Pringle


ull Text

Quadricentennial Library Link


The approach of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incor- poration of the town of Gloucester, and the demand for a history which shall present the principal events that have occurred from its discovery and settlement has led to the writing of this work. The record of the town in the civil war, in many respects one of the most important in its annals, is here given for the first time. Coming when the ranks of the veterans are fast being depleted, this portion of the work cannot but prove of value. The complications arising from disputes between the Canadian Government and American fishermen, with the record of seizures of fishing vessels, also receive their initial presentation. This work, prepared at intervals during an active service in the journal- istic profession, is submitted to the public as the effort of one desirous of advancing in every way the interests of his native town.