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Planning, Tragedy, Change and Resillence

December 1921- August 1923

Preparation for Gloucester’s Tercentennial Celebration began officially on December 7th 1921, when Mayor Percy W. Wheeler appointed 25 people to the Tercentennial Executive Committee. Unofficially, preparation seem to begin 31 years earlier after the well regarded 250th anniversary was completed. Future plans were discussed in social and civic circles as well as within the press. The first official meeting of the Committee took place January 31st 1922 and Frederick W. Tibbetts was elected as  its Chairman.  Meetings continued and by the end of  March a tentative program was submitted and adopted. 

With just about 90 days left, final preparations were put into full motion. On the day before the celebration, The Gloucester Times Anniversary Edition made clear to the public the events to Come.